Comment Letters from Friends
Friends of the San Francisco Estuary has sent letters to the State Water Resources Control Board and leaders of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan/California WaterFix to comment on the need for improved freshwater flows to the San Francisco Estuary in their planning processes. Download the letters or read them below:
- October 30, 2013 letters to state and federal administrators and regulatory agencies on the need for improved freshwater flows in Bay-Delta planning efforts, including:
- July 29, 2014 letter on the Public Draft of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan and its associated draft Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Implementing Agreement
- October 30, 2014 letter to the State Water Resources Control Board on Support for Restoration of Freshwater Flows from the San Joaquin River and its tributaries to the Bay-Delta Estuary
- October 28, 2015 letter on the Bay Delta Conservation Plan/California WaterFix Partially Recirculated Draft Environmental Impact Report/Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement
- March 16, 2017 letter to the State Water Resources Control Board on Support for Restoration of Freshwater Flows from the San Joaquin River and its tributaries to the Bay-Delta Estuary
- February 8, 2018 policy statement to the State Water Resources Control Board on the California WaterFix Change in Water Rights Petition, Part 2: Impacts to fish, wildlife, and other public trust resources
- February 14, 2018 comment letter to the State Water Resources Control Board on Changes to Proposed Regulation Prohibiting Wasteful Water Use Practices